Are GMO's Suddenly Good For Us?

The following headline from the National Post caught my eye:

"Widely discredited study that fuelled fear of genetically modified 'Frankenfoods' finally retracted" (Postmedia News 28/11/13)

This French study made headlines around the world last year as it claimed to have found evidence that showed a group of rats that were fed a diet of genetically modified Monsanto corn along with Roundup contaminated water - at levels considered safe by US standards, died earlier than the group of rats that were fed non-GMO food. The study went on to report that those rats fed the Monsanto diet also suffered from liver and kidney failure in addition to being riddled with tumors.

For those who have conducted their own research on GMO's, the French study is consistent with other scientific evidence - showing the harm surrounding GMO foods.

The French study retracted their reported findings much to the relief of opposing "scientists" . Those scientists in opposition have criticized everything about the report and insist that the evidence obtained from the study was inconclusive since - get this - "the rats that were used were highly susceptible to tumors in the first place".

Further research shows that subsequent to the publication of this two year study by Professor G.E. Seralini et al, the reported findings have been ruthlessly attacked and relentlessly criticised until the journal retracted the paper, just recently.

"Authorities" from around the globe including the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the FDA, Health Canada and of course "the authorities" at Monsanto have all agreed that the French study "does not meet minimum acceptable standards for that type of scientific research and the conclusions drawn are not relevant for the purpose of safety assessment".


Health Canada and Genetically Engineered Medical Marijuana

In February 2000, Cannabis Culture (CC) met with a whistle blower from the Ministry of Health, whom wished to remain anonymous. Cannabis Culture reported that their source provided them with leaked information including documents that described how Health Canada was in the process of testing genetically modified cannabis seed - for the purpose of choosing a prime contractor to become the possible supplier of GE pot seeds. The documents showed that Health Canada was obtaining seeds for their trials from the University of Mississippi - which is where Monsanto produces their "standardized GE cannabis seeds".

Cannabis Culture did point out that it is in Monsanto's best interest to patent the seeds to ensure continued profits year after year. 

The UN grouped Industrial Hemp and Cannabis Sativa/Indica under the same classification- which then allowed the criminalization and control of these plants for almost 100 years. It should be pointed out that Health Canada, since they began licensing the cultivation of hemp under strict regulations beginning in 1998 only allows licensed hemp farmers to use hemp seeds from an "approved cultivar". 

Most recently, it has been announced that CEN Biotech, a subsidiary of the Michigan public company "Creative Edge Nutrition Inc" (OTC Pink: FITX), is the latest "pharmaceutical" Health Canada approved as a Licensed Producer under Canada's new Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) - which are slated to become fully effective April 1, 2014.

Creative Edge Nutrition Inc. is a "holding company" whose standard industrial classification (sic) code is 2834 - Pharmaceutical Preparations.

According to a November, 2013 edition of the Windsor Star, CEN Biotech began construction on a 56,000 sq ft building that will be attached to an existing 26,400 sq ft facility in Lakeshore, ON, near Windsor. The Windsor Star reported that CEN Biotech is the third firm to apply to grow medicinal marijuana in Essex County.

On October 31, 2013, Abattis Bioceuticals Corp from Vancouver, B.C. (OTC Pink: ATTBF) announced that they too submitted an application to become a licensed producer and were waiting for receipt from Health Canada. More recently, this pharmaceutical confirmed sponsoring "Cannabis Monograph" development which is now ready for shipping. According to their web-site:

"The monograph represents one of the most complete and critically reviewed monographs on cannabis in the world. Like all American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) monographs, the publication provides standards of identity, purity, analysis, and quality, as well as information on the cultivation and storage of the botanical and its preparations."

In 1941, the US government removed cannabis from the 1942 edition of the US Pharmacopoeia and proceeded to demonize it for the next seventy years. While the DEA prosecuted and made criminals out of innocent people since that time period, the pharmaceutical companies have been working behind the scenes in an attempt to take l control of cannabis under the pretense of "it is for the safety of people".

It is a real tragedy to learn that society has been denied of so much both in terms of the health of the environment and the health of "we the people".

Can it really be true that cannabis is the be all to end all in medicine?

How could a plant be victimized so badly when the truth is that it's medicinal properties can cure every disease known to man?

It is beyond belief to think that we have been lied to for over one hundred years for greed and profit.

Canada's Cannabis Conflict

The Cannabis Pharmaceutical Industry in Canada falls under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act with the amended Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR), regulations that amend the legislation allowing for this impending new leg of Big Pharma. 
The MMPR legislation can be found at the following link:

The legislation should be continually monitored for new amendments and to ensure that LP's are producing quality medicine obtained from the precious plant material.
The legislation is far from perfect though and patients need to demand new amendments that are in the best interest of their health rather than that of Big Pharma's bottom line.  For instance, under Division 5 - Packaging, Labelling and Shipping which starts at section 64, the following are two immediate call to action concerns:

Section 65 allows the LP an under shipment allowance of 5% yet an overage of only 1%. 

Section 67 only requires the percentage of THC and CBN which are only found after decarbing (decarboxylating) the product by for example heating. The CBN cannabinoid is found only after the THC is spent and would certainly indicate how the corporation handled the harvest through to packaging.  More useful to the patient and caregiver would be the requirement for disclosing all the detected cannabinoid acids  found in the dried plant material that was tested just before final packaging.  

As mentioned in a prior blog, Division 4 of the MMPR entitled Good Production Practices was recently amended under section 54 allowing for the use of any pesticide product registered or otherwise authorized for use under the Pest Control Products Act (Monsanto).  The recent amendment to this section was very sneaky due to the word "unless".  

54. Marihuana must not be treated — before, during or after the drying process — with a pest control product unless the product is registered for use on marihuana under the Pest Control Products Act or is otherwise authorized for use under that Act.

  • SOR/2014-51, s. 7.
As the Licensed Producers try to go forward with the reality that their biggest competition are experienced growers, their products are far from attractive.  Enough said.